public events

Professor and author Nancy MacLean to speak on campus about book _Democracy in Chains_

Nancy MacLean, Duke University Professor of History and author of the acclaimed Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of The Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America will be discussing her book at a public lecture Monday, January 7, 2019, 7-9 pm, at the Krannert Auditorium at Purdue University (rm 140, 403 W. State St, West Lafayette). The […]

public statements

AAUP-Purdue condemns the vandalism of a Purdue faculty member’s house

The Purdue chapter of the American Association of University Professors condemns the recent vandalism of the home of a Purdue faculty member. We deplore all personal attacks on any member of the Purdue community. We affirm Purdue’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, rejecting racism, hate crimes, and violent acts that threaten free speech, academic freedom, and the […]

public statements

Statement in response to white supremacist flyers posted to Purdue’s campus

At the chapter meeting tonight, members voted unanimously to pass the following statement regarding the recently flyers posted on Purdue’s campus. CHAPTER STATEMENT In the 72 hours after a virulent anti-semite killed 11 Jews at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, white nationalists and white supremacists posted flyers on the Purdue campus.  Similar leafleting of […]


Resolution about Purdue Global University passes unanimously

This evening, at a special meeting, the Purdue University-West Lafayette chapter of AAUP unanimously passed the following resolution about Purdue University Global. Resolution regarding Purdue University Global WHEREAS, it is the mission of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) to  advance academic freedom and shared governance; to define fundamental professional values and standards for higher […]


AAUP special meeting re Purdue Global resolution

You may have seen the recent news coverage about AAUP identifying some problematic practices restricting academic freedom of Purdue Global faculty and students. These include the Non-Disclosure Agreement faculty were expected to sign (which was then dropped with the help of AAUP and faculty pressure), and the forced arbitration to which students are expected to submit […]


Purdue Global to stop NDA practice with faculty – forced arbitration for students continues

Inside Higher Education reports today that Purdue Global has dropped the expectation that Purdue Global faculty sign a NDA as part of their terms of employment.  However, the expectation that students must forgo their legal rights and agree to undergo forced arbitration instead of bringing Purdue Global to court continues.  Read the Inside Higher Ed […]


AAUP-Purdue Fall meeting scheduled

We will have our Fall meeting on Nov 1, 2018 from 5-6 pm in STEW 314. We will share a more formal agenda closer to the time, but the current sketch of a plan is to review the chapter bylaws (which I will send out in advance), discuss chapter dues, and figure out both officers […]


AAUP organizing support countering Purdue Global NDA

AAUP National is inviting faculty upset about the Purdue Global NDA to join with them in supporting a statement posted here.  Please join us by adding your name!


AAUP releases copy of NDA Purdue Global employees expected to sign

AAUP National posted today a press release about an NDA that it appears employees of Purdue Global are expected to sign.   Purdue Global’s NDA states that any work product, including all course materials “or other intellectual property that arises in any part in the course of … employment at Purdue Global, is commissioned and […]