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[Resources] AAUP-Purdue pushes back on Board of Trustees’ latest overreach

Alice Pawley, facing camera outside, wearing AAUP shirt and mask, holding a sign that reads "What are you teaching students about civics literacy if MY VOTE on the curriculum DOESN'T MATTER? #facultydecide"
AAUP Purdue (West Lafayette) president and Purdue faculty member Alice Pawley shares her frustration with the Board of Trustees.

AAUP-Purdue chapter members and other faculty across the Purdue system organized faculty to push back on the Board of Trustees’ decision to adopt an undergraduate civics literacy graduation requirement systemwide over the objections of the University Senate, and without consulting the faculty Senates of Purdue-Northwest and Purdue-Fort Wayne, or the governing body of the Purdue schools at IUPUI.

Our chapter hosted a letter-writing campaign to Trustee JoAnn Brouillette, where almost 200 faculty sent letters to the Board. The campaign is still up, even though the Board voted. Here’s a link to see the campaign.

Our AAUP colleagues at Purdue Fort-Wayne have also compiled a list of resources pertaining to this latest overreach by the Board.






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