Update: Gov. Holcomb signed SEA 202 (formerly SB 202) on March 15, 2024. SEA 202 is now Public Law (PL) 113. For more on the status of AAUP’s opposition, please visit the state conference website.
The House voted to pass SB202 by a vote of 67-30, with 2 Republicans voting with the Democrats, and 2 Democrats absent.
The Senate has already concurred with the House version of SB202, and the president pro tempore has signed SB 202. We just have the Lt Governor, and Governor yet to sign.
Call Governor Holcomb during business hours (8am -5 pm ET). There is no way to leave a voicemail message outside of business hours. You can select 1 to leave a message, or 2 to speak to a polite human staffer. In either case, please give your name and address and say something like, “I am a constituent in Indiana. I ask the governor to veto SB202. This bill will hurt higher education in Indiana – I don’t want that to be the governor’s legacy. Thank you!”
The link below dials the Governor directly if you are on your cell phone.