The Purdue chapter of the American Association of University Professors is looking for a part-time hourly independent contractor to support its chapter organizing efforts.
Anticipated tasks will include (but not limited to):
- Update website with chapter happenings, meetings, public statements
- Regular posts to the group’s social media (Twitter, FB page, FB group) about Purdue faculty concerns, or issues regarding higher ed
- Learn how to use Parsehub to scrape Purdue websites to develop an email list
- Follow-up on members’ outstanding chapter dues
- Write and compile monthly newsletter
Required skills include:
- Understanding of social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
- Experience using WordPress publishing platform
- Experience with basic word processing and spreadsheet functions
- Excellent communication skills — both oral and written
Desirable skills include:
- Experience using Slack and Action Network
- Interest in engaging in labor organizing
- Experience using Canva or other newsletter publishing programs
We will pay $20/hrs, limited to 4 hours a week, to be overseen by the chapter secretary/treasurer.
To apply, please submit a CV and short cover letter describing how you meet the required skills (and desirable skills, if applicable) to Review of applications will begin March 5th.