
Part-Time Help Needed

The Purdue chapter of the American Association of University Professors is looking for a part-time hourly independent contractor to support its chapter organizing efforts. 

Anticipated tasks will include (but not limited to): 

  1. Update website with chapter happenings, meetings, public statements
  2. Regular posts to the group’s social media (Twitter, FB page, FB group) about Purdue faculty concerns, or issues regarding higher ed
  3. Learn how to use Parsehub to scrape Purdue websites to develop an email list
  4. Follow-up on members’ outstanding chapter dues
  5. Write and compile monthly newsletter

Required skills include:

  1. Understanding of social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
  2. Experience using WordPress publishing platform
  3. Experience with basic word processing and spreadsheet functions
  4. Excellent communication skills — both oral and written

Desirable skills include:

  1. Experience using Slack and Action Network
  2. Interest in engaging in labor organizing
  3. Experience using Canva or other newsletter publishing programs

We will pay $20/hrs, limited to 4 hours a week, to be overseen by the chapter secretary/treasurer.

To apply, please submit a CV and short cover letter describing how you meet the required skills (and desirable skills, if applicable) to  Review of applications will begin March 5th.