
Updated spring 2020 meeting schedule

At the last chapter meeting in January, we acknowledged that the 4:30-6 pm meeting is difficult for many people to attend, particularly with childcare responsibilities.  As a result, we decided to move our March and April meetings.

Our March meeting will now be Tues March 24 12-1pm in KRAN G021 (just down the hall from our usual room).  

Our April meeting will now be Tues April 21, 12-1 pm in KRAN G021.  

Please feel free to bring your lunch to either or both meetings!

February will remain on Wed February 26 from 4:30-6 in KRAN G013 (because I couldn’t change the room fast enough).  However, if you would like to attend virtually, we would be happy to Zoom you in – contact Alice for the call-in information.

If you subscribe to our Google Calendar, these changes are now reflected there, along with the dates of our Executive Committee meetings.  You can subscribe to this public calendar here.

The agenda for our February meeting is posted here, as are the notes from previous meetings.